I just saw the news, Are you guys ok?
A gut-wrenching question I received from countless family members and friends, all of whom are half a world away. How do I even begin to answer? It’s so unpredictable. We are ok for now, but who can say for sure what will happen? I’ve been watching the news, too.
To my mother: Of course we are ok! Nothing to worry about.
I hate when she worries. But the truth is, she has been worried since last year, ever since we got the news that the military is relocating us to a high conflict country.
I look over at my son asleep next to me in his crib. His tiny feet and tiny hands. He has been through so much in just four months of life. We have been through so much. Did we make the right choice by coming here? Did we even have a choice?
My heart swells with sadness and in the darkness the cool tears stream down my cheek. I’m sad for our family, for what is happening in the world, and for all the families in the neighboring countries. I feel helpless and trapped. I’m worried about our safety. Can we get out if we must? Should I take our son and leave? Oh, what I would give to be home again. But our son needs his father. I need my partner; I can’t do this alone. Is that selfish of me?
I’m told “it’s just postpartum”, why don’t you just take some medication? It will make you feel better.
I resent this.
Outside, bright white lights can be seen slowly moving across the night sky. These aren’t the stars or comets of my childhood. They are drones and missiles traveling across our airspace.
The diplomats say we are safe, just stay inside. Nothing to worry about.
I resent this too.
I just saw the news